A tantric massage center usually offers different types of massages. Here are the most common ones explained:
Tantric massage
Tantric massage is a form of massage that has its roots in ancient tantra traditions. Unlike other types of massage that focus primarily on physical relaxation, tantric massage aims to awaken sexual and vital energy, and to foster a deep connection between giver and recipient. It often involves slow movements and sensual caresses on all parts of the body.
Prostate massage
Prostate massage is a practice that involves stimulation of the prostate, a small gland located near the bladder in men. This can be done for medical purposes or, in some cases, for sexual pleasure. Medically, prostate massage can be used to help treat health conditions such as prostate inflammation. However, from a sexual pleasure perspective, it is important to note that this practice can be tricky and requires mutual consent and open communication between partners. It is strongly recommended to approach this practice with caution and respect for personal boundaries.
Four-handed massage
Four-handed massage is a massage technique where two practitioners work in tandem on a single person. The two massage therapists coordinate their movements to create a harmonious and immersive experience. This approach provides a deeper feeling of relaxation, as the brain may have difficulty keeping up with the simultaneous movements of four hands. Four-handed massage can vary in style, from relaxing to energetic to sensual and erotic, depending on the preferences of the recipient and the skills of the practitioners. It is a luxurious massage option and often appreciated for its calming effect.
Tantric couples massage
Tantric couples massage is a sensual and intimate experience that involves partners using tantric principles to connect on a deeper level. It focuses on promoting relaxation, sensuality and eroticism through touch and energy exchange. Tantric massage for couples can be done with one or two masseuses. If there is a masseuse, she will guide and facilitate the experience for both partners. The emphasis is on the connection between the couple, and the presence of a single masseuse helps maintain this balance and harmony. If there are two masseuses, both partners will be massaged side by side, and will each benefit from an exceptional tantric massage. At the end of the massage, both partners will have the massage room in complete privacy in order to end this experience in beauty and deep connection.
Yoni massage
Lingam massage